damning - significado y definición. Qué es damning
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Qué (quién) es damning - definición

The damning well

¦ adjective strongly suggestive of guilt or error.
damningly adverb
If you describe evidence or a report as damning, you mean that it suggests very strongly that someone is guilty of a crime or has made a serious mistake.
...a damning report into his handling of the affair...
·adj That damns; damnable; as, damning evidence of guilt.
II. Damning ·p.pr. & ·vb.n. of Damn.


The Damning Well

The Damning Well was a rock supergroup comprising Wes Borland of Limp Bizkit on guitar, Danny Lohner formerly of Nine Inch Nails on bass, Richard Patrick of Filter on vocals, and Josh Freese of A Perfect Circle, on drums. While rumors spread that an entire album had been recorded, Patrick has said on numerous occasions that this is false. Only two songs were recorded: "Awakening", which was released on Underworld movie soundtrack in 2003, and "Power", an unreleased track featuring Amy Lee of Evanescence on guest vocals.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para damning
1. I thought was damning.
Startups, Digital, Retail, and Beyond _ Brent Hoberman _ Talks at Google
2. Damning with faint praise.
One Man's Quest to Rewrite the Constitution of the USA _ Kevin Bleyer _ Talks at Google
3. That seemed a little damning,
4. that I think is very damning.
Jeff DeGraff, Staney DeGraff _ Talks at Google
5. but the effect on patients is damning.
Ejemplos de uso de damning
1. Certainly, the evidence against her appears damning.
2. He said it was a damning indictment of modern society.
3. He also painted a damning picture of the propaganda apparatus.
4. A series of apparently damning emails have also been unearthed.
5. Corsi is most damning in his portrait of the candidate.